Get rid of spelling issues
Fix your grammatical errors
Eliminate punctuation issues
Make your text shine!

Advantages of Active Voice Detector

When writing, there are different types of grammatical aspects to keep in mind. One of the most important parts of good writing is knowing how to use active voice. Active voice provides a faster-moving narrative, which makes writing easier and reading more engaging. With our active voice detector tool, you can improve your academic, formal and informal writing easily. The benefits of using this tool include:


No matter the type of text you are writing, this tool can help you to find active voice errors, as well as grammar and spelling errors in your texts. This will help you to avoid any miscommunication


This tool will show you that your writing is accurate and free of mistakes. You can use it as a tool to check grammar and spelling or as a guide to complete your writing correctly


With this accurate active voice detector, your writing will be more concise. This will save you the time of doing numerous edits or to send your documents in to be proofread


Who Needs to Use the Active Voice Checker?

Good writing can avoid miscommunication and help you to get your message across more clearly. But who is this active voice checker for? This tool can be used by students, academic writers, journalists, copywriters, business professionals or anyone who wants to improve their writing. It is easy to use and works to improve any form of writing to the best form possible.

How to Use the Active Voice Detector Tool

This tool is incredibly easy and convenient to use. Simply follow these three simple steps to check your texts:


Paste or type the sentence or text you want to scan into the checker at the top of this page. Once you are done, you can simply press the button to start the scan


Our tool will do a thorough language scan, which will include a spelling and grammar check, a punctuation check and a passive to active voice changer check


Once all points have been identified, you can make changes and improvements. You can make these changes to your text in the tool and simply copy and paste it to your document.


Passive to Active Voice Changer Features

This tool is designed to check text online. It allows you to scan any errors and suggestions quickly to create improvements to your text. Not only is this a passive voice to active voice converter tool, but it also does a detailed check of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Any errors or suggestions will be displayed in the text itself. This method helps you to identify any errors you may have missed with your own proofreading efforts.


Frequently Asked Questions About This Tool

Have questions about our tool or want to find out more about how active and passive voice forms work? We answer all the most important questions about the different forms, as well as how this passive to active voice converter online works to help you write better quality texts.

What Does Active Voice Mean?

In writing in the active voice, the subject of a sentence always performs the action. A subject is typically a person or thing. A passive to active voice generator helps you to change your sentences around so that this person or thing performs the action and can take a direct object. 

How Does it Affect a Sentence?

When using active voice, you typically use fewer words to ensure the writing is more concise. Sentences in the active voice have a direct and clear tone that reads easier and sounds smoother on the ear. Therefore, using an active voice sentence checker creates a faster-moving narrative. This usually makes texts easier to read too.

Is it True That Active Voice Is Better Than Passive Voice?

Active voice and passive voice is used for different types of text and to relay different messages. One is not better than the other. However, using an active voice in your writing can make your writing read better. Most academic institutions, businesses and search engines prefer active voice, therefore, it is useful to use a change the voice online converter when writing these types of texts. 

Do I Need to Get Rid of Passive Voice Completely?

The problem with using passive voice is that it hides the identity of the object doing the action and it makes sentences longer. This can make reading slightly more complex and can also lead to bulky texts that conceal the message. However, it’s not always necessary to get rid of it completely. Our active or passive voice checker will show you exactly where to make changes to your text.

In Which Cases Is it Better to Use Active Voice and Vice Versa?

While it is usually better to use active voice to create shorter, sharper sentences that are easier to follow, there are times where the passive voice has to be used. It is necessary when you want to place the focus on the object influenced by an action, rather than the object that performs the action. By using our active voice to passive voice converter free online, you can easily identify where to use the correct form of voice and can easily turn passive into active form.

What Are Some Examples of Changing from Passive Voice to Active?

Want to know how to switch from passive to active voice? Here are some examples of sentences we’ve converted with the help of the change passive voice to active voice converter:

Passive: The flat tire was changed by Jimmy.                                  Active: Jimmy changed the flat tire.

Passive: The book was read by Amy in one day.                          Active: Amy read the book in one day.

Passive: The entire room was painted by Joe.                              Active: Joe painted the entire room.

Passive: Instructions will be provided to you by the doctor.        Active: The doctor will provide you with instructions.

Is Using an Active Voice Translator Really Necessary? Or Can I Do It on My Own? 

An active voice translator tool helps you to identify areas in your text that can quickly be missed. It is not always so easy to spot active and passive sentences in a text. So, the active voice checker tool will help you to find those. What’s more, the active voice finder tool will also help you to check your spelling, grammar and punctuation. It will present you with any errors picked up and will also show you whether you are on the right path with your writing or not. 

What Documents Can Be Checked with This Tool?

Any type of document can be checked with this tool; From academic texts and factual content to emails and informal articles and blogs. You can type directly in the tool or paste your documents in the blank area. This changing passive voice to active voice generator will quickly identify the type of content and will show errors and suggest improvements accordingly. 

What Makes a Passive to Active Voice Translator Tool So Beneficial?

There are benefits to using a passive to active voice translator tool. Not only does it help you to change passive voice sentences to active voice for more concise writing and easier reading, but it also identifies errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. These errors, improvements and suggestions help you to write better, to avoid miscommunication and to get your message across in a more efficient and effective way. Finally, this active voice sentence generator tool also helps you to save time with proofreading and multiple edits.

Top Passive to Active Voice Translator

Want to improve your academic papers, articles, blogs, emails, letters or web content? Try our active voice tester tool to improve your writing fast and efficiently. It will help you to easily convert passive voice to active voice, and vice versa, and improve your spelling, grammar and punctuation for impeccable writing.

Boost the quality of your writing with an active voice detector!
